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When Petunia is informed of some devastating news, she finds herself at the only calming place she knows - the ocean.

Midnight Dive


Poem written on May 18, 2021


The moon shined hierarchy as it painted itself against the darkened sky, its imperfections hidden from the world. The sky             disposed of overcast - should one hope to wish on a star, it would not prevail. Regardless, the moon foreshadowed the waves below her              as they crash upon one another, painting colors of blues, greens and whites. When moonshine hits the waves, they are exhilarated by a              shimmer of blue, but when distraught, the ocean is rippling black silk, veiling chaos beneath its beauty. Petunia trudged up the dark              hill, pushing her laminate bike beside her, heaving to make sure her arms didn’t give up. The ocean had been singing a song of sorrow                 and sadness since she could spot it ways away, the waves had been sliding down the sand in pity and venture. Coming to a stop,                      Petunia kicked out her bike rest, placing it in a safe position. Being at the edge of the hill, she grasped the edges of the wooden railings out towards the ocean and listened. Every day the ocean mourned, but she could never bare to identify whom it grieved over. Petunia had been relating to the ocean a bit more than usual today, her thoughts taking over her for the better. The stars expressed their way through the darkened clouds that dispose of their tears in hopes of catching a glimpse of the fallen figure. She sunk lower and lower, her dress billowing out around her. She is delicate and looks to be made of porcelain. One may have assumed she was a doll if she wasn’t scuffling so sharply. Her face is a painting of twisted emotions and brutal strokes - her hands, small gentle hands that have held and loved, search for purchase, but the ocean is merciless. The ocean does not help the girl. The waves laugh sonorously as the moon watches somberly. Before it could be discovered, she remains still. She falls further and further into the depths of darkness. Death makes her entrance and reaches her ancient hands out to hold the girl. But just as she does, the waves stutter. They shudder in fear and go quiet as another melody enters their symphony. Here comes a song of love and sorrow. Of loss and tragedy. Death halts to listen. The moon was keen. She saw everything as the sun set. She saw the doll crack beneath the surface. Yet nothing was done to prevent it.



I wrote this poem with inspiration from the introductory chapter of Siren's Lament, an old WEBTOON I was actively reading around 2017 but decided to pick back up in 2020 after COVID after I realized that it had been completed. The only inspiration it really upholds is being on the edge of the hill near the ocean and falling in, but otherwise, the premise is quite different. The girl I named Petunia, who is dragging her bike up the hill, is going through some issues in her personal life, which I never really established so I can't really say I know what it is. Usually, when Petunia is going through things, she finds herself on the hill, listening to the calming waves of the ocean, but lately, they had been feeling more stressed than usual. Almost like they were dragging her in. In the end, Petunia gives in and jumps into the ocean, sinking lower and lower, with her brutal strokes as she tried to evade the harsh waves that pushed her around the tide after she fell in. Then she remains still, essentially passing away in the ocean, where death, "she", does not wait for her glory, and the moon just watched, unbothered.



I chose Skyfall by Adele as the poem's song representation because all I could hear is this song when I imagine her falling into the ocean. It just makes sense to me. At the beginning instrumental for the song, I can visualize her walking up to the top of the hill, beginning to stare out to the ocean, "hold your breath and count to ten", would essentially be the part where she feels ready to jump in. But the song trails back a little more before doing, hence her desire to think "I've drowned and dreamt this moment", where perhaps she's gripping the wooden railings. And of course when she falls in all I hear is "let the sky fall, when it crumbles", because it just makes sense!!! And the last ooh's Adele does would represent after she falls still and dies. Perfect.

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